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Informations pour demander du temps de faisceau sur les sources de RS/FEL en France / Europe


Informations for Users to apply for beamtime on synchrotron/FEL facilities in France / Europe

in all EUROPE:

Next call deadlines & standardised proposal form

for applying for beamtime on European X-ray/FEL Facilities




sources rayons X / X-ray beamtime at:

- ESRF, Grenoble


- SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin



source Infra-rouge / infrared-tunable free-electron laser :

- Orsay Infrared Laser Center (CLIO), Orsay

The Orsay Infrared Laser Center (CLIO) is an infrared host center based on a free electron laser (LEL). It is one of the two research accelerators of the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry (LCP), with ELYSE.

Since its inauguration in 1991, CLIO is actively involved in French, European and international research.

The installation consists of an electron accelerator that produces an energy beam from 10 to 45 MeV and a LEL continuously tunable from 5 to 150 µm.

It is one of three infrared-tunable European free-electron lasers, with FELIX in Nijmegen (the Netherlands) or FELBE in Dresden (Germany), that are opened to the scientific community.

The center also includes experimental platforms open to users for:

  • Infrared spectroscopy of gas molecules by multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD)

  • Spectroscopy at frequency-sum generation (SFG) interfaces

  • Near-field nano-object spectromicroscopy (AFMIR)

  • Probe pump (2 colors)


In addition to the LEL, each platform is equipped with tunable nanosecond or picosecond pulsed lasers that allow autonomous work in the near and medium infrared and in the visible range.


Some key figures :

CLIO benefits from a European "access to infrastructures" contract that allows researchers from the EU to be welcomed. They represent 20 to 30% of the activity of CLIO. 30% of users do not belong to the EU, the remaining 40 to 50% representing the share of French researchers.

4000 hours of beam offered to users (35 to 40 weeks per year)
12 to 15 partner countries for 25 to 40 scientific projects per year
20 to 30 publications per year


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